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I am so grateful for my eye operation. After all these years I am trouble free!

A huge thank you to you for your care for me and my sight. I am especially thankful for your aftercare and approachability after the treatments. Your cheerful assistants were also great help in putting me at my ease.

Thank you Mr Morris and all your team. This has been a delightful experience from delightful caring people.

Thank you for the eye operation. All your staff were very kind and tried to make me relax. However the op went so well I wondered what I was warned about! I really love my new self. I feel younger, but unfortunately, I am not! I am so grateful to you for your kindness and expertise.

I am thrilled to bits with the results of my eye operation. I would like you to pass on my thanks to all the nurses and staff for making me so welcome and as relaxed as possible in the circumstances. Especially the team in theatre, plus of course your own wonderful skill. Thank you all very much.

When I came to the hospital I was very anxious, but very quickly you made me feel comfortable, this was before and after the operation. The anaesthetist explained clearly what he was going to do, and this was reassuring. I feel very fortunate to be part of the amazing team that look after me. Thank you for the care that I was given. May God bless you all.

Thank you Mr Morris and Team. All is well!! I enjoyed the singing!!!

Thank you for working a miracle on my eye. “I can see clearly now…” as I never seen before in my life.

I cannot thank you enough for getting rid of my cataract, it makes such a difference and thank the anaesthetist and all the staff for their kindness.

Thank you and your team for looking after me so well during my eye operation

I cannot thank you enough for getting rid of my cataract, it makes such a difference and thank the anaesthetist and all the staff for their kindness.

Very, very well done. A big thank you for a great job. Many thanks!

My sight is restored, thank you so much. How do you thank someone truly for this gift? I really appreciate your gift the skill and professional hard work you put in and that of your team for me. I am so grateful to you and all your team and will recommend you without hesitation.

Thank you for all you have done. People like you should be imprinted in the stars so that you are never forgotten. You are not just an amazing doctor, you are a caring person who doesn’t just teat people with their illness, you actually care about each and every one of us. We all thank you so much for everything and pray that your life will always be full of blessing, happiness and peace.

Thank you for all the care and attention you provided when dealing with my eye injury. I really appreciated it and I am so pleased with the outcome.

I would like to take this time to thank you so much for all the time and care that you have given, I’m lost for words, you have been so kind, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks very much for looking after my eyes so well. I appreciate your kindness and professional courtesy. Please thank your team as well.

Thank you for being such a kind doctor and such a precious person who cares about everyone.

There really are no words to say how grateful I and my family are to you. You are a very special doctor who went above and beyond to help me. I no longer have constant pain and that’s all thanks to you. You are a very special soul who cares for us all. Thank you will never be enough so please know that you will always be in the heart of myself and my family.

Thank you for everything you have done (and will continue!) to do for me and my dodgy eye! I know I am demanding and probably one of your more difficult patients but honestly I appreciate it very much and I think you are the best.

Your open approach to my cataract removal (with my other eye being blind) was very much appreciated. A bit nerve wracking for us both! It was certainly worth having it done privately.

Just a note to say thank you for making my journey through my recent eye surgery so stress free and successful. Even with my background when it comes to personal dealings with medical establishments, although very rare, I find myself completely out of my comfort zone. However, you and your staff displayed great professionalism, attentiveness and caring attitudes in order to provide a tranquil and reassuring environment throughout the surgical floor. Please pass on my sincere thanks to all your staff.

I know it is a part of everyday professional life for you but for me it is a miracle being able to see clearly from the moment I open my eyes in the morning. I will always feel a huge gratitude for what you have done.

You and your wonderful staff have changed my life giving me the gift of sight. There are no words to describe how happy I am. Thank you so very much.

Thank you for the kindness you showed Mum during her recent procedure. Your understanding made all the difference to what could have been a very stressful event for both Mum and me.

A very big thank you for your skilled and clever hands! My life will be a lot easier in so many ways.

Thank you for your very kind manner with our Godmother and for interacting with the children so well- my daughter has been truly inspired. Diolch yn fawr.

You have all been simply amazing. A massive thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you is inadequate for the extremely kind, professional and successful attention over the last two or three months enabling me to see a brighter more colourful world once again.

I want to say a huge, HUGE, thank you to you and your team for all your help, expertise and support throughout this difficult time. I am amazed by your dedication and kindness and will be forever grateful for everything.

Your help with my eyes is very much appreciated, as is your care and expertise.

You and your team are an inspiration to your hospital and medical services.

Thank you for your kindness and help in removing the tumour from my eyelid. Your advice and help in conserving my eyesight will always be appreciated.

Thank you for the wonderful job you did in removing my cataract. I have had hardly any discomfort and my sight is improving already. I didn’t appreciate how much sight I had lost before the operation and I am enjoying seeing the world in sharper focus now! I very much appreciate your kindness and professionalism and all the staff were very kind and helpful.

Like many people I dislike hospitals, however when my reason for a visit is seeing you my apprehension disappears. I feel so comfortable and confident when I’m in your hands that I am able to relax. This is due to your easy-going manner, your exceptional skills, superb professional attitude and extreme competence. Thank you so much for looking after me, I will always be grateful.

What excellent work in restoring my sight. I appreciate greatly all the work done by you and your brilliant team. Everyone in the clinic treated me with such care and consideration at all times, which helped me to face the operations without fear.

Thank you for everything you have done for me, not only the diagnosis and recommended treatment but also your clear explanation of just what is wrong with my sore watery eyes. I am confident that they will be on the mend soon.

I am absolutely delighted with my new eyes and would like to thank you for enabling me to see the whole world afresh. Everything is so much clearer and sharper and I can see detail which I have been unable to see for years. It feels like a miracle and I owe you a great deal.

I can see better now than I have ever done in my life! Every one of you has been so kind and each has contributed essentially with your various skills.

Thank you, your anaesthetic and nursing staff for the great job you did for me and helping me relax during the process, which I must admit to being nervous about. The world is now a brighter place and the colours are wonderful!

Thank you so much for restoring my eyesight to full efficiency. You and your staff were so kind and helpful.

A very big thank you for the excellent work you have done on my eyes and your professional care at all times.

I am so uptight when visiting hospitals but your caring manner and patience has put me at ease on many occasions, which has been so important. Thank you for the wonderful attention and care I have received from you and your staff during my many visit to your clinic, it has been greatly appreciated.

Thank you, your anaesthetist and cheerful, reassuring team. When I unwrapped my left eye this morning, the world was bright, I could see separate, shining leaves on the sliver birch instead of a uniform green. Quite miraculous.

Many thank for your help and patience dealing with both of us, you turned a traumatic day into a fun day out!

Thank you so much for my new “peepers”- I am absolutely thrilled and can’t thank you enough.

Thank you for the are received from yourself and your staff and for making the experience a lot easier than I would have expected.

Thank you so much for my new “peepers”- I am absolutely thrilled and can’t thank you enough.

I am immensely grateful to you for dealing with my cataracts so effectively. I hadn’t realised how poor my vision had become and I really feel I have taken on a new lease of life since the operation- colours are brilliant and everything is so much clearer, it’s another world completely. The optician was most impressed and said that I don’t need specs for driving and that my distance vision is as good as in someone less than half my age!

A massive thank you for going the extra mile. Your professionalism and kindness will really help me recover and hopefully my eye can return to normal.

Once I was blind, now I can see, all thanks to you. Many thanks.

Thank you so very much for the care and support you gave me during my recent surgery.

The caring and supporting treatment I received was something I have not seen the like of before. Thank you.

The caring and supporting treatment I received was something I have not seen the like of before. Thank you.

It is a real joy to read without glasses and see everything so clearly now. Thank you for all the care and treatment with such a successful outcome.

Thank you for doing a great job on my op, the consultation and care from you and your colleagues. Everything looks so colourful!

In my eyes, that is my all-seeing eyes, you are second to none!

Without your help I would not be driving now and I would not be seeing as clearly if you had not removed my cataracts so promptly. We cannot thank you enough.

Thank you for the excellent treatment I received from yourself and your very friendly professional team. I was made to feel totally relaxed and well informed from the examination and throughout the surgery. I certainly would recommend yourself and your team to my friends and family.

I want to thank you personally for this life-changing experience that you have given me and the wonderful care I received from the staff of your clinic. I now have 20/20 vison in both eyes.

Mr Morris has the best inter-personal skills that I have ever actually witnessed in any medic and I have been working in the NHS for over 30 years. His care and attention to detail is impressive but what impressed me most was his bedside manner and the fact that he treated both my husband and myself like human beings and was very informative about the procedure and the aftercare.

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